Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The much better then Twilight!

   You have to live under a rock to not know what the Twilight Series is. Its a vampire/human/werewolf love story...yeah we all know the plot but what I want to talk about is another book Stephanie Meyer has wrote called The Host. Its an Alien/human love story and in my opinion it is leagues ahead of Twilight for so many reasons. First off its classified as an adult novel not a YA novel because it is definately more mature then Twilight. What I love about the host is its not just a love story in the romantic sense. Its about love in general especially the love between family and friends. Its about loyalty and the beauty of humanity. I loved the way Stephanie Meyer took a story that is primarily about an Alien and turned it into a commentary on what makes us all human. I was so moved. Twilight never has moved me the way The Host did. I've read it more then once and I could easily read it again. It always strikes a cord with me and that is what makes a good book great to me.

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